DRiBOX II Launched At the recent Christmas World Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. DRiBOX unveiled its UK manufactured DRiBOX II. Featuring a new locking mechanism and a cable guide for ultimate ease of use.
us patent granted
united states patent law was established “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their respective writings and discoveries”. in 2010 dribox was granted its us patent, a property right by the goverment of the united states of america to an […]
dri-box to bring manufacture operations home
dribox told diy week it will start manufacturing its weatherproof box in the uk by late spring, cutting shipping costs and lead times, as well as creating new jobs.
m. schönenberger ag
m.schonenberger ag industriestrasse 17 5507 mellingen phone +41 (0)56 481 81 41 fax +41 (0)56 481 81 45
gold winner, garden accessory of the year, diy week awards 2011
why? if its electric and its outdoors, a dri-box will make it safer. and because it does something no other product does, it can only create extra sales